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Cloud storage

What is Cloud Storage ??

The Best Cloud Storage and File Sharing Services of 2018 

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Read Also : What is clod Computing ?

Types of Cloud Storage

There are four main types of cloud storage  personal, public, private and hybrid;

1. Personal Cloud Storage

Also known as mobile cloud storage, personal cloud storage is a subset of public cloud storage that applies to storing an individual’s data in the cloud and providing the individual with access to the data from anywhere. It also provides data syncing and sharing capabilities across multiple devices. Apple’s iCloud is an example of personal cloud storage.

2. Public Cloud Storage

Public cloud storage is where the enterprise and storage service provider are separate and there aren’t any cloud resources stored in the enterprise’s data center. The cloud storage provider fully manages the enterprise’s public cloud storage.

3. Private Cloud Storage

A form of cloud storage where the enterprise and cloud storage provider are integrated in the enterprise’s data center. In private cloud storage, the storage provider has infrastructure in the enterprise’s data center that is typically managed by the storage provider. Private cloud storage helps resolve the potential for security and performance concerns while still offering the advantages of cloud storage.

4. Hybrid Cloud Storage

Hybrid cloud storage is a combination of public and private cloud storage where some critical data resides in the enterprise’s private cloud while other data is stored and accessible from a public cloud storage provider.

Benifits of Using Google Cloud Storage  :

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